Blanche Malet

animation and illustration

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Compilation of extracts from my ​animation projects

about me

Bio and CV


Film projects and experimentations

video montages

Editing exercises using archive ​footage

illustration and graphic design

Commissions, personal projects and ​sk​etches


Prints, postcards, ceramics and ​more.


All the extracts are from my personal animation and film projects. These were strictly solo projects.

duration: 1min45.

about me

A debuting filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist and ​animator established in London and Paris, with an academic ​background in Antique and Contemporary culture, and a ​masters degree in Animation.

Driven by a personal fascination with the psychology of loss, ​grief and resilience and featured in multiple festivals and ​galleries with graduate film ‘Sutures et Consolation (Stitches ​and Solace)’(2023). My work focuses on deciphering ​emotions and human relationships, especially addressing ​questions surrounding old age, death, cultural inheritance, ​grief and spirituality.

academic background

Royal College of Art, London — MA in Animation


This course encouraged me to refine my criticality, expand my ​knowledge in Film theory, develop my skills in various animation and ​editing softwares, and experiment with various ways of communicating ​through animation.

Royal College of Art, London — Graduate Diploma in Art ​and Design, Communication pathway


This course enabled me to shift my focus from Humanities to Art, to ​explore the various disciplines within Art and Design, and to develop my ​animation skills.

Sorbonne Université, Paris — BA in Antique Culture and ​Contemporary World


I studied for my last year of BA at University College of London (UCL) as ​part of an Erasmus program.

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work experience

Freelance, London — Graphic designer and illustrator


Designing logos, as well as a booklet for a private guide, designed to ​accompany a group of children on a visit to the Wallace Collection.

Rose Bakery, Paris — Waitress


Working part time as a runner, server and cashier for the restaurant Rose Bakery, ​situated in the luxury mall ‘Le Bon Marché’ in Paris.

I/O Gazette, Avignon — Intern in press relations and social media ​management

JULY 2019

Posting about new articles of the journal on social media, as well as sending ​press reviews to theatres and theatre companies, and sending emails to book ​tickets for journalists during Avignon’s theatre festival (France).

National Opera of Paris, Paris — Civil servant


My roles were to guide the classes of the program ‘Ten Months of School and ​Opera’ around the Opera house, to be an assistant stage manager for the ​classes’ show, as well as to capture photos and videos to document activities. I ​also participated in the conception of a seminar on the theme of cultural and ​artistic education.

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research and teaching ​experience

Institute of Art, Design+Technology Dún Laoghaire, Dublin — Visiting ​tutor


I conducted a short lecture series for Animation undergraduate and graduate ​students based on my own research and creative practice, titled ‘How to ​address a personal experience of grief and trauma in an animated film’.

Ark Swift Academy, London - Creative workshop lead


I had the opportunity to create and conduct a workshop for school children of ​the Ark Swift Academy in White City. The aim was to introduce them to ​Communication practices. Myself and other students from the Royal College of ​Art organised several creative activities spread across three hours. This project ​was under the supervision of the tutor and artist Jessie Brennan.

Royal College of Art, London - Research project on perceptions of ​OCD


This project was made in collaboration with three other students from the Royal ​College of Art, on the theme ‘caring society’. We created a stop-motion video ​to raise awareness on OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). This project ​involved extensive research, contacting charities, working with voluntary ​anonymous participants.



Adobe Premiere Pro proficient

Adobe Photoshop basic notions

Adobe AfterEffects beginner

Adobe Illustrator beginner

DragonFrame proficient

Microsoft Office Suite proficient

Professional skills

Able to multitask and prioritise tasks ​effectively

Critical thinker and highly adaptable to ​new ideas

Able to organise and convey ​information clearly and consciously


English fluent

French native speaker

To download my CV : click here


Stop-motion animation produced during ​my MA in Animation at the RCA (2023)

Stop-motion animation produced ​during my Graduate Diploma in Arts ​and Design at the RCA (2022).

Collaborative project with ​students at the RCA (2023).

Commission from Innovation Design ​Engineering students at the RCA

Stop-motion test with soft pastels

Multi-media future project

stop-motion animation

Sutures et Consolation

(Stitches and Solace)

This project is an autoethnographic animated documentary addressing ​my experience of losing my father in 2018. Sharing with the audience my ​thoughts and emotions of the few days surrounding the funeral, I intend ​to shed some light of the taboo subject that is grief. Through charcoal ​drawings and red thread stitches, I attempt to repair myself and build ​resilience. T​his film was my graduation project for my MA at the RCA.


Animator Festival (Poznàn, Poland; June 2024)

BFI Future Film Festival (London and Bristol, UK; February 2024)

Prague International Film Awards (Prague, Czech Republic; October 2023)

Cinematherapy Festival (Alexandropouli, Greece; September 2023)


Willesden Gallery, ‘Exploring grief and loss through art’ (Brent, UK; January ​17-February 23 2024)


BFI Future Film Festival: Blanche Malet, Stitches and Solace - The New ​Current (February 2024)

This film is private as it is still running in festivals.

Please email me if you would like to watch it.

You can find my email in contact, in the menu.

duration: 5 min

year of production: 2023

animation: Blanche Malet

sound design: Blanche Malet and Carl Goetgheluck

sound mixing: Carl Goetgheluck

softwares: DragonFrame, Adobe Premiere Pro

stop-motion animation

petite vieille

(little old lady)

With this project, my aim was to address elders’ loneliness, especially those ​suffering with Alzheimer’s disease. I attempted to put myself in the shoes of ​my grandmother, a seventy year old Breton lady, to imagine what her ​memories could look or sound like.

These memories pop up throughout the film, replaying significant events of ​her life just like how those living with Alzheimer’s disease tend to relive events ​stored solely in their long- term memory when their mid- and short-term ​memory function deteriorates.

duration: 3 min 11s

year of production: 2022

animation and sound design: Blanche Malet

softwares: Stop-Motion app, Adobe Premiere Pro

stop-motion animation

OCD: debunking ​misconceptions together

This project was realized with three students from other departments at the ​RCA (Architecture, Product Design and Experience Design), in the framework ​of the collaborative project ‘Across RCA’. Our films is a response to one of ​the four themes: ‘caring society’.

Our idea was to give visibility to what OCD is, to prevent the shame that ​comes with mislabelling and misunderstanding the condition. Indeed, OCD is ​known by the mainstream as a personality trait, describing a person who is ​overly organized and fussy about cleanliness, rather than a debilitating mental ​health condition that can severely affect the sufferer’s daily life and well ​being. We chose to make an animated film as it seemed to be a medium of ​choice to address a sensitive matter whilst protecting the identity of the ​OCD sufferers.

Our film was published on the website of the charity ‘Orchard OCD’ that we ​had contacted to find participants for the interviews.

duration: 3 min 09s

year of production: 2023

animation and puppet design: Blanche Malet

clothes design: Fengxu Chen

set design: Su Demir​

video and sound editing: Sunny Duangvichai​

softwares: DragonFrame, Adobe PremierePro​

commission, digital 2D stop-frame animation

COPD Project: Pleural

With this project, my aim was to address elders’ loneliness, especially those ​suffering with Alzheimer’s disease. I attempted to put myself in the shoes of ​my grandmother, a seventy year old Breton lady, to imagine what her ​memories could look or sound like. These memories pop up throughout the ​film, replaying significant events of her life just like how those living with ​Alzheimer’s disease tend to relive events stored solely in their long- term ​memory when their mid- and short-term memory function deteriorates.

year of production: 2022

animation: Blanche Malet

Pleural team leaders: Daniel Hale, Yihan Dong, Fergus Laidlaw,William Elliot

softwares: ProCreate, LumaFusion​

stop-motion test

let me cry

This is a short test produced with soft pastels on paper. My idea was to ​picture an encounter between two people who are crying simultaneously. ​Each of them notice that the other one is crying and is instantly forced to feel ​empathy for the other person.

year of production: 2022

animation: Blanche Malet

softwares: DragonFrame, Adobe PremierePro​

mi​xed-media animation

Upcoming project

Tests for an upcoming short animation project about immigration, cultural ​heritage and family. I mixed media for the feet on tiles, using pastels for the ​background and 2D digital animation for the feet. The two other tests have ​been​ made on paper using Chinese ink.

year of production: 2024

animation: Blanche Malet

softwares: ProCreate, LumaFusion​

video montages

Montage of archive video extracts (2020)

Montage of archive video extracts (2021)

Montage of archive video extracts ​(2023) produced at the RCA

archive video montage

It comes with a bang

This short compilation of archive extract was created before I started ​studying at the Royal College. It was inspired by an online encounter of ​both the song ‘In This Shirt’ by the Irrepressibles and an extract from the ​film Silk Stockings, featuring one of my favourite dancer Cyd Charisse, ​directed by Rouben Mamoulian.

This project was a moving image excercise to some degree, an attempt ​to use the technique of montage to build a loose but timeless narrative ​which creates an immediate emotional reaction from the viewer.

duration: 3 min

video extracts:

year of production: 2020

software: AdobePremierePro

duration: 2 min 07

video extracts: and my own

year of production: 2021

s​oftware: AdobePremierePro

archive video montage

Au fond de la piscine

(At the bottom of the ​swimming pool)

This short follows the principle of the previous compilation of archive ​video extracts. It was inspired by the song ‘Pull Marine’ by Isabelles ​Adjani. It contains video extracts from as well as my own ​videos.

archive video montage

Moon dust

This short experiment was an exercise given by on of my MA tutors at ​the RCA. The principle was to take extracts from videos on ​and play with them to create a sort of narrativ​e​.

My film was driven by an analogy between the mystery that lies beh​ind the universe, as an unknown body driven by unknown rules, and ​the mystery behind the female body, and especially the reproductive sys​tem and menstrual cycle, which mysteries are only starting to be fu​lly uncovered​.​

duration: 1 min38

video extracts:

year of production: 2023

software: AdobePremierePro

illustration and graphic design

Poetry zine made during and about ​lockdown

Linocut print custom-made for a ​wedding

Commission work for a French ​company

Realistic paintings of buildings and ​people

Illustrations made with ProCreate on ​iPad

Museum sketches and life drawing


Epopée du dedans

(Indoor saga)

This booklet was made during lockdown, reflecting poetcially on the ​strange period that it was. It is made of cut-outs, linocut prints on several ​types of paper and Chinese ink drawings. I created the binding, that ​represents houses next each other.

The poem at the end of the booklet translates as follows:

And suddenly everything is differently,

the unbearable comfort of the couch,

the solar warmth behind the windows.

In my well-established silver tower,

the outside invites itself inside. Excitement

for grocery shopping, race for excitement. Distance and close up. ​Everything tastes differently.

Sorrow house.

Blanche Malet

duration: 1 min25

material: linocut prints on paper, thread, pen on paper

year of production: 2020

linocut print postcard

Custom wedding invitation

Custom-made wedding invitation showing the two main sites of the ​event and a rough map between the two buildings.

I first designed a watercolour version, and then decided to try to linocut ​print it. The latter version was favoured by the couple.

First design attempt using

watercolour (​2021)

Final design, ink linocut print (​2021)

Linocut (2021)

logo and present​ation slides

Custom logo and slides for ​a small meditation business

Custom-made logo and presentation slides according to the client​ needs a​nd ideas.

I created them using Procreate and ​InDesign.


Presentation slide sample



I tried to capture mundane scenes with watercolour, either drawing ​directly the scene or painting it from photographs.

Hampstead Heath, London (2024)

Uros, Lake Titicaca, Peru (2024)

Peckham, London (2024)

Morlaix, France (2020)

Rye Lane Market, Peckham, London ​(2024)

My mother, asleep and reading (2021)

Girl walking at night

Tattoo project for a friend

Life drawing

Mirror houses

drawings using Procreate

Digital illustrations

Illustrations drawn on Procreate on Ipad. I am currently ​animating the ‘Mirror houses’.

Imagination-based sketches

Observation drawing on the beach

Museum sketches

Life drawing

Observation drawing in the Alps

pencil and pen drawings on paper


Observation drawing in museums, life drawing and ​imagination-based sketches.


Coming soon :)


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Blanche Malet